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Grigore Vasile HERMAN

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Publication Requirements:
Instructions for contributors
All manuscripts, literature reviews and discussions,together with the Cover Letter (completed in full and signed by all authors), have to be submitted only in the electronic version, in English, by an email sent at .
Each manuscript must be submitted together with the above mentioned Cover letter available here, certifying that the submitted manuscript represents the authors’ original work and that the manuscript was neither submitted for publication to another journal, nor has already been published.
The journal doesn’t have article submission and processing charges (APCs).
The journal doesn’t have a waiver policy (for developing country authors etc).
The journal has a strong policy of screening for plagiarism by filtering all the papers before being published with specialized software which can be accessed at the following address:\
Following the submission date, the author(s) will be notified about the publication process within 8 weeks.
Please find the required format of the page bellow (also, please find enclosed a standard model).
1. Margins
Margins: Top: 1.7 cm, Bottom: 1.7 cm, Inside: 1.9 cm, Outside: 1.7 cm, Gutter: 0 cm; Orientation: Portrait; Pages: Multiple pages: mirror margins; Preview: Apply to: whole document.
2. Paper
Paper size: Envelope B5, Width: 17.6 cm, Height: 25 cm; Paper source: First page: Default tray, Other pages: Default tray; Preview: Apply to: whole document.
3. Layout
Section: Section start: new page. Headers and footers: Different odd and even – yes; Different first page – yes. From edge: Header 1.7 cm, Footer 1.7 cm; Page: Vertical alignment: top; Preview: Apply to: whole document.
4. The headers
In the First Page Header: three empty rows 9 points high each (header for the article will be introduced by Make-up Editor); In the Even Page Header: two rows 9 points high each; On the first row: the name(s) of the author(s), left, bottom border, simple line ½; The second row: empty; In the Odd Page Header: two rows 9 points high each; On the first row: title of article, right, bottom border, simple line ½; The second row: empty. Before the title there must be six empty rows, each of 10 points high. The font style use by the Revista Română de Geografie Politică is Bookman Old Style.
5. The title
The title must be centered and written in capital letters, font Bookman Old Style, 12 points, bold; After the title it must be two empty row, 10 points each.
6. The name of the author(s) and the address of the author(s)
The authors' names must be written align center; The first name of the author(s) written with normal letters, and the name of the author(s) written with capital letters, Bookman Old Style, 10 points, bold; For each author it will be use a row; The address of the author(s) will be introduced after the name of author(s); it must be written in Bookman Old Style, 8 points, center; The address of the authors will contain: the name of the institutions, the address of the institutions and a personal e-mail (e.g.: University of Oradea, Faculty of Geography, Tourism and Sport, Department of Geography, Tourism and Territorial Planning (D.G.T.A.T.), 1 Universităţii Street, 410087, Oradea, Bihor, Romania, e-mail:; After the name of the author(s) and the address of the author(s) it must be two empty rows, 10 points each. The abstract should be written in English;
7. The abstract and the summary
The abstract contains between 50 and 100 words (if is possible one paragraph) and must be written in Bookman Old Style, 9 points, justify; The abstract must contains a brief description of the aim of the article, methods of work and results. It should contain on comments and recommendations; It must begin with the word “Abstract” (bold), followed by the sign “:”; The summary should be written in English; The summary contains the description of the aim of the article and methods of work and a brief analysis or interpretation of results. It can contain only the information that appears in the text as well; the paragraph: left 1 cm, right 1 cm; after the abstract it must be one empty row, 9 points.
8. The key words
The key words should be written in English; The list of key words must contain between 5 and 10 words and must be written in Bookman Old Style, 9 points, justify; It must begin with the word “Key words” (bold), followed by the sign “:”. After the list there must appear two empty rows, 10 points each. Enter six signs “*”, with space, Bookman Old Style, 10 points, character spacing expanded 3,6 pt After these signs it must be two empty rows, 10 points each.
9. The text of the article
The text of article must be written using the Bookman Old Style, 10 points, justify; The TAB is at 1 cm from the left edge.
10. The titles, subtitles and sub-subtitles
The titles inside the article must be written with capital letters, Bookman Old Style, 10 points; before the title it must be an empty row, 10 points (after the title it doesn't have to be an empty row); The subtitles inside must be written in Bookman Old Style, 10 points, bold; before the subtitle must be an empty row, 10 points (after the subtitle it doesn't have to be an empty row); If there are necessary sub-subtitles they must be written in Bookman Old Style, 10 points, italic; before the sub-subtitle must be an empty row, 10 points (after the sub-subtitle it doesn't have to be an empty row).
11. The figures (maps, images)
The figures must appear on the page where are the references about them; The figures must be numbered with Arabian numbers; The figure's explanations must be written with Bookman Old Style, 9 points (e.g.: “Figure 1. The map of the…”), which have to appear under the figure; The source of the figures must be written with Bookman Old Style, 8 points, under the explanations; All the figures must be black and white and there can be used pictures with a very good contrast (if possible no more 4 shades), (for on-line publication the figures can be color); The figures will be sent as separate files and will be saved as JPEG Images, with the resolution 300 dpi; If figure contains text this must be Bookman Old Style, 10 points; The outside of the figure must be simple line, 1 ½; The charts should be sent also in the Microsoft Office Excel 2003 version.
12. The tables
The tables are included in the text; The datum from the table must be written in Bookman Old Style 9 points; The tables are numbered with Arabian numbers (e.g.: “Table 3.”) which have to appear before the table; The source of the tables must be written with Bookman Old Style, 8 points, under the explanations; For the header of the tables, the shading color will be gray 35 %; The outside line of the tables must be simple line, 1 ½; The inside line of the tables must be simple line, ½; between the header and table itself must be double line ½.
13. The footnotes and the endnotes
The footnotes are numbered with Arabian numbers, starting from 1; the text of the footnote must be written in Bookman Old Style 8 points, hanging 1,5 cm; we do not allow the endnotes in the Revista Română de Geografie Politică.
14. The newspaper sources
If referring to newspaper sources in the text, you should cite the name
15. The abbreviations
The abbreviations should be explained when they first appear in the text.
16. The mathematics relations
The mathematics relations must appear centered on the page, Bookman Old Style, 9 points; They must be numbered with Arabian numbers (for example “3”); Before and after the formula there must be an empty row, 10 points.
17. The acknowledgment
This should be placed before bibliography, and must be written in third person (e.g.: The author(s) wished to thank … for his helpful comments an earlier drafts of this paper); If the article presents results from research projects, the acknowledgment will be: This contribution presents some results from research projects …. The authors acknowledge to anonymous reviewer for their thoughtful suggestions and comments; The acknowledgment may be submitted as a separate document that will not be send for review, but will be included in the publication schedule for accepted papers.
18. The citations and the references
Literature citations and figure references should not appear in the abstract; The format of the citations should follow the common rules (e.g.: (GENUINE, 2010, p. 19)); The format of the reference should follow the common rules (e.g.: (GENUINE, 2010)); In the section on bibliography, citations and references should be listed as follows: GENUINE, (2010), Romania today, Masthead Carpathians, Bucharest; If there are more than two authors, you can also use et al (e.g.: GENUINE et al., 2010); If you are listing several works published by the same author in the same year, they should be differentiated by adding a lower case letter after the year for each item (e.g.: GENUINE, 2010a, GENUINE, 2010b); If listed in same footnote, individual works os success should be separate by a comma (e.g.: GENUINE, 2003). If citing an except form a non-serial publication, you should also add the number of page from which the citation is taken after the year; If referring to newspaper sources in the text, you should cite the name of the newspaper, date of publications and page (e.g.: Oradea Times, 11.3.2010, 13).
19. The references
The references must appear at the end of the article. Before the references there must be two empty rows, each of 10 points high. The word “REFERENCES” must be centered and written in capital letters, Bookman Old Style, 10 points, bold; The titles of the quoted works must appear at one row distance, justify, in Bookman Old Style, 8 points, hanging 1 cm:
- Journal articles (in English) Herman G. V., Ilieș D.C., Baias Ș., Măduța M.F., Ilieș A., Wendt J., Josan I. (2016), The tourist map, scientific tool that supports the exploration of protected areas, Bihor County, Romania , GeoSport for Society 4(1): 24-32.
- Journal articles (not in English) Gaceu O.(2006), Topoclimatele din munții Bihor și Vlădeasa [The mountain topoclimate Bihor and Vlădeasa ] , Analele Universității din Oradea 16(1): 15-24.
- Books (English titles) Crăciun C., Boştenaru-Dan M. (2014), Planning and designing sustainable and resilient landscapes, Springer, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- Books (not in English) Herman G. V. (2011), Omul şi modificările antropice din Câmpia Someşului [The man and anthropogenic changes in Somes Plain], Editura Universității din Oradea, Oradea, Romania.
- Book chapter, conference proceedings (English titles) Boc V., Ionescu R., Simion L., Gudumac E., Fabian C. (2015), Reintegration and reconversion of a suburban srea within the green network of Bucharest: Văcăreşti-Glina greenway, in: Alphan H., Atik M., Baylan E., Karadeniz N. (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Congress on Landscape Ecology, 23-25 October 2014, Antalya, Turkey, PAD Publications, Ankara, Turkey, pp. 307-314.
- Book chapter, conference proceedings (not published in English) Meiţă V., Georgescu E.-S., Petrişor A.-I. (2014), Dezvoltarea spațială durabilă în Delta Dunării: planificarea spațială, arhitectura, seismice, construcții și criterii legate de energie [Sustainable spatial development in the Danube Delta: spatial planning, architecture, seismic, construction and energy-related criteria] , in: Meiţă V., Voica M. (Eds.), Spații simbolice din lemn și stuf [Symbolic wood and reed spaces], Editura INCD URBAN-INCERC, Bucharest, Romania, pp. 64-75.
- Research reports, thesis, other unpublished materials (English titles) Lawrence D. W. (2014), On the digital-political topography of music , Doctoral Dissertation, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI, USA.
- Research reports, thesis, other unpublished materials, not in English Rusu S. G. (2014), Transformarea peisajului structurilor de apărare în context urban [Transformanion of the defense structures landscape in an urban context], Doctoral Dissertation, Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urban Planning, Bucharest, Romania.
- Websites Radu A., Ioniţă L. (2008), Urban Planning in Romania, publications/articles/urban-planning-in-romania, accesed at 10.10.2016.
20. The Journal Revista Română de Geografie Politică, does not charge any fee for processing and submission articles!